Monday, November 30, 2015

Holiday Gift Ideas (Students, Parents, Colleagues)

I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that it is almost December! I have no idea where this year has gone. I swear, the older we get the faster time goes. It really makes me try to enjoy each and every moment because life is so short! 

Now that Thanksgiving is in the past, it is time to prepare for the Christmas holiday. I always have good intentions when it comes to preparing early for student, parent and colleague gifts....but I'm usually stressed out in the end trying to come up with something!

 Well I'm linking up with the Weekend Warriors to help me (and hopefully help you) have some inspiration!

This year, all of my students keep asking me for a 3x5 card that they can use as a bookmark. So I thought that they'd probably love to have a personalized bookmark with their name on it!

I found these adorable (FREE) bookmarks from The Brown Bag Teacher on TpT and am going to make them for my class! I plan on laminating them so they (hopefully) stay nice throughout the rest of the year.
(Click the picture for the link)

 I work at a Christian private school and think that a smaller version of this would go along nicely with the bookmarks.

Last, but not least, I'm going to include two homework passes for each student that can be used on any homework assignment that they either don't want to do, don't have time to do, or just want a break from doing! I'm planning on copying them on colored paper to make it more fun.
Click on the image above to grab your own copy!

In the past I have made the Applesauce/Cinnamon ornaments with my kinders...but this year I've jumped up to third grade and want to switch things up. I still haven't decided for sure what I'm going to do, but here are some fun ideas that I've come across:

Funny pose ornaments:

Fingerprint picture frame:

Baby Jesus ornament:

Stained Glass Nativity. This could be larger as a decoration, or smaller to be used as an ornament:

I always forget about gifts for coworkers until the last minute so I'm going to be better this year!

I love simple, fast and easy ideas (as I'm sure you all do too)! Here are some fun and quick ideas I have recently come across:



I LOVE this idea!
I would have a very hard time not eating all of the pretzels!

I have decided this year I'm going to make Homemade Cinnamon Almonds for my coworkers (and probably our neighbors while I'm at it):
Who DOESN'T like these!? And this recipe I came across is SO easy.
All you need is:
1 cup sugar
3 cups raw almonds (or any other nut)
1/2 Tablespoon cinnamon
1/4 cup water

Click on the "Source" link under the picture for the full directions! There are also multiple sites with directions or downloads to make your own cone paper holders.

What are you planning on doing for your gifts this year? Link up with the Weekend Warriors to share your own ideas.

Want more gift ideas? Check out my "Gift Ideas" board on Pinterest.

Last but not least....This is what I want for Christmas!
Teaching with Hope shared a very easy tutorial on how to make your own. I just haven't had time to actually make mine yet...does anyone want to make it for me!?

Maybe it can be my Christmas break project since we're staying home this year.

I hope you all enjoy this wonderful holiday season with your scholars and are able to share with them the true meaning of the season by doing acts of kindness and spreading love throughout your classrooms.

Merry Christmas!

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